Many people who have played both of these sports would say that getting on a board is easier than getting up on water skis because the boards are bigger. Wakeboards have a larger surface area and the traction speed is much slower, meaning you have more time to stabilize.
is also much less hard on the body. Wakeboarding has some pretty violent shocks, which may not seem like much at the time, but are quite hard on the body.If you have any pain, it's best to see your doctor for advice and health care recommendations. The first thing you should do while you're at the lake is to drink plenty of water before, during and after wakeboarding instead of soft drinks or alcohol. Once you've mastered waking to waking, learning advanced wakeboarding maneuvers, such as turns and reverse turns, is particularly difficult because of the risk of injury involved. Most wakeboarders who are learning to wakeboard won't be able to try such hard and somersaults until they have at least a dozen regular riding sessions.
For example, getting up on a wakeboard is usually easier for girls than for men, especially for stronger men, because they don't fight against the water and pull so much with their arms and wait for the boat to lift them. If you learn at a cable park, the rope is much higher than on a boat, including one with a wakeboard tower, so you feel much more drawn upwards. Having the right boat configuration, including a wakeboard tower to lift the rope and the appropriate rope length (30 to 50 feet for a beginner) to keep the cyclist in the narrowest section of the wake, can also help reduce the learning curve. It's essential to achieve balance and use a wakeboard of the correct size for your weight and height.
Wakeboarding instructors know that only about half of the students they teach get up on the first try. Then, push your legs with your knees straight. If you avoid water pushing against the rope or cable, you'll have a much harder time lifting this step, so it's best to avoid doing so. Children also find it easier to get on a wakeboard than adults: about 4 out of 5 tend to succeed when they get on a wakeboard on their first attempt.
If you start learning to wakeboard at a cable park instead of behind a boat, you're likely to jump off an exit dock (a floating platform that's at water level). That said, the challenge of getting on a wakeboard can be significantly reduced by following some very simple tips. It tends to work muscles that wouldn't normally work, except that you target those muscles directly, which are extremely difficult to reach with typical exercise.